On the blog.....

Thursday 11 June 2015


Oh Stanley

I've hankered after a pair of Adidas Stan Smiths for some time now. I'm a long time Converse wearer and when Hubby declared 'they've had their day' - firstly I was shocked that he even had an opinion on this, and secondly did a little whoop whoop as this was surely my green light to go forth and spend?

I picked out a fab crackled pair from the Adidas store, which due to my dithering in this matter have long since sold out, then I pondered the possibilities of a customised pair but decided against this as they are non-returnable. So finally settled on this glossy pair.....they arrived quickly, I test drove them and all good - even my son commented on my 'cool' trainers!

Stan Smiths From Adidas Store £62

Fast forward to Saturday, and a trip to the hairdressers - me looking uber cool in my Hush denim dress and shiny white Stans. However.....it all goes pear shaped at this point - halfway to the village, I start getting the rumblings of sore heels. Not a problem, just the stiff backs. Slight rubbing, nothing to worry about. Can I make it to the gardens en-route for a bench and some privacy to do plaster work? Do I even have any plasters? I hobbled further on to the gardens - checked out my heels AND to my horror my now bright red bloody Stans. Why oh why? I limped into the hairdressers, got a cut and finish, plus some tea and sympathy, and dragged myself back home. Hardly the chic morning I'd envisaged.

Laundry detergent has thankfully removed the blood from my Stans, and they are currently making my hallway look uber cool, rather than me! I'm no quitter - so we'll try and work together again this weekend. Be warned though - Stan is not all cosy and soft on the inside as he would have us believe....


Whilst I have a long list of body imperfections, my skin type is thankfully low maintenance, happy with a little daily coating of cheap water-based moisturiser. Once in a while though it has a minor paddy and demands a little more love.

I recently received a sample of Liz Earle's Cleanse & Polish - hot cloth cleanser. The sample came with a perfect sized muslin for removing the cleanser which contains active ingredients: rosemary, chamomile, cocoa butter, and eucalyptus oil.

Liz Earle's Cleanse & Polish From Boots £14 for 100ml

I'm pretty sceptical about many beauty products, but this product really is the bees knees. A little goes a long way, and the hot cloth feels utterly amazing - beats a flannel hands down! There's no stinging after use which I've found with many cleansers, just a lovely silky feeling, and I swear an after glow! I've looked into buying a bigger version, and found it's available from Boots, and not surprisingly it's backed by dozens of awards - well deserved too. Am I the only who hadn't heard about this awesome cleanser?


After my son was born I joined a local book club, which I loved and was a regular until after school activities got in the way (those pesky Beavers...). My favourite online store Hush are coming to my rescue yet again - they've announced this week that they're starting their own online bookclub - happy days! First book up is Judy Blume's In The Unlikely Event  - coming soon. Can. Not. Wait.

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