On the blog.....

Sunday 12 July 2015

Vault Couture


I'm a well organised person by nature - a place for everything and everything in it's place - no exceptions. I drive Hubby mad with this disorder. Pre Christmas and birthdays I like to have a good clear out to make way for new offerings/tat. I can't help myself - it's just the way I'm wired.

My wardrobe is currently praying on my mind. It's almost at saturation point! I've had a clear out, then had another clear out for anything missed, and I just can't narrow it down any further. Hubby has suggested a simple solution to the problem - I stop shopping.

Help! My frocks & tops are suffocating ;o(

He's offered to put some winter clothes in the loft - how does that work when I'm still wearing jumpers in July? Maybe room under the bed? I've suggested we move house so I can have a walk in wardrobe? I couldn't possibly print his reply.

While I'm busy trying to come to terms with accepting this cramped space - I've read about an alternative solution to this problem....Vault Couture! I like the sound of that! It's a company who take away your surplus clothes, place them on flock covered hangers in individual suit carriers and all the clothes are stored at optimum temperature to keep the garments in tip top condition. Images of all the items you store are then catalogued on their website for you to browse through and order delivery as and when required. They also offer to alter, mend or even sell your garments - what a service!

The cost is around £4 per garment per month. It's a service used by the likes of Victoria Beckham (who spends a reported £25,000 per month on this service - I've just calculated - that's arond 6000 items!). My only niggle.... does a £45 Hush top warrant such treatment? I think not!

So my little problem lingers on - Big Yellow Storage? Back to loft suggestion? Stop shopping - hell no! What would be the fun in that?? I'd love to hear your storage suggestions - what top tips can you share? Does your wardrobe run a strict entrance policy equivalent to that of gaining access to The White House? Are you cut-throat when deciding what goes and what stays? Or do you hold on to prized buys hoping to catch the trend next time round?

Inside Out

Big excitement in the Scott household right now! New Disney Pixar movie Inside Out is due to be released ANY TIME! We've never been fans of Princesses in our house - but have loved every single Disney Pixar film. When my daughter was little - she was Woody, Grandma had to be Buzz. We haven't got any dolls, just Rex, Hamm, Slinky Dog and Mr Potato Head. My son watched Cars every single day (please don't judge me - I was busy tidying up....), and owns nearly all the cars from the movie - he used to act out the scenes for hours - literally hours!

We're really looking forward to watching this in the Summer holidays. Big family outing is already planned, which may include a stop at the Krispy Kreme theatre of dreams. OK - I'm no Barry Norman - take a look at the trailer to make up your own mind....


I went to the hairdressers recently, read about the new hair trend and shuddered....

Miley Cyrus rocking pink pits ;o(

Underarm hair is trending again! Someone pass me a razor NOW!


  1. Frankie is *desperate* to see Inside out.. I didn't have to watch the trailer you posted she had already described it to me in detail and then made me watch it anyway!! .. Sorry it's clairemb12 from Instagram by the way.. love this post and your whole blog is so professional looking!!! Trying to find time to get it all done and figure out how I want things but I will be back.. just as soon as I have shaved my armpits.. :-)

    1. Aahhh Clairemb12! Thank you so much for commenting and your lovely words - I can't tell you how excited I get when I know someone has read my blog ;o) It did take a couple of weeks to set up, and I've still some work to do - all in good time though eh? Heard my Hubby say to someone the other day 'She did it all herself'! I went back to my 10 year old self beaming with pride!!! Looking forward to our trip to the flicks x
